Hello and welcome to my online portfolio. Here are a few examples of pen & ink work I've done. Enjoy!
All images taken from www.comiconart.com

Images 1-10, 17, :
Pencils by Ron Adrian
Inks by Christopher Boliver
(Image 9 unfinished)

Images 11 & 15:
Pencils by Ed Benes Inks by Christopher Boliver

Images 12-13:
Pencils by Walter Geovani
Inks by Christopher Boliver

Image 14:
Pencils by Mariah Benes
Inks by Christopher Boliver

Image 16:
Pencils by Unknown
Inks by Christopher Boliver

Image 18:
Pencils by Jose Luis
Inks by Christopher Boliver

Image 19: Pencils by Kevin Conrad
Inks by Christopher Boliver

These are the first 30 inked pages to my original comic “The Saga of Dillon.” This story was the first thing that I ever tried my hand in creating back in 2005 about at the city of Worcester being attacked by flesh eating zombies and a mulleted warrior who would save everyone from total destruction. Unfortunately my relationship with the person that the story was based on went sour and he ended up moving away so I lost all contact I had with him. There was never a script for this book only a three page short story so there is no dialogue or lettering to it, however you can still enjoy the artwork. All original pencil art is done by the very talented Mr. John Sands and the inks are done by me. Enjoy!

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